コラム:パリジェンヌの東京映画レポート2 - 第1回

第1回:Bonjour à tous!
I am Chadia Talbi, a French girl who freshly arrived to Japan!
Member of eiga.com for two months, I will try to give you interesting point of views about new movies, actors and film directors through this weekly column. I will compare the French and Japanese point of views and share with you my thoughts about various issues and tendencies in the cinema world.

But first of all, let me introduce myself to you!
I was wondering how I could do this in an original way, when the French writer Marcel Proust popped into my mind. At the end of the 19th century, he answered a questionnaire he had found in an English confession album entitled “An Album to record thoughts, feelings, etc.” Nowadays, this so-called “Proust questionnaire” is quite famous and frequently used to interview celebrities. Well, I am far from being a celebrity, but I thought this may be a funny way of telling you who I am! So I went for it…and here is the result!
1) The principal aspect of my personality.
Optimistic and ambitious.
2) What I appreciate most about my friends.
Their honesty and loyalty.
3) My favorite occupation.
I love dancing! I took ballet lessons for 14 years and recently some salsa lessons. And I had the great chance to be a choreographer for an original Musical at my university last year! I’ll have the opportunity to share this passion with you soon! I won’t tell you more now...keep looking for my articles!
4) My dream of happiness.
A happy and healthy family, and a fulfilling job that enables me to live my passions.
5) What I should like to be.
“Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.” (Julius Charles Hare)
6) My favorite heroes and heroines in fiction.
Jane Austen’s Elisabeth Bennet for her strong belief in true love and her determination, Roald Dahl’s Mathilda for her telekinetic powers and her fearless loyalty to the people she likes, Billy Elliot for his passion for ballet.
7) My present state of mind.
I am happy and excited to be here in Tokyo this summer and to share with you my passion for cinema!
8) My motto.
" Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
As for the reason why I am in Japan now, well, I had the great opportunity to work in Nagoya for two months last year and these months were breathtaking! I had just one wish: to come back to Japan to discover even more this wonderful country and its culture!
I really hope you’ll enjoy this column as much as I will! May this summer be full of cinematographic discovers for us!
Looking forward to my first article next week!
ダンス! バレエを14年間、最近はサルサも始めました。大学では振り付けにも挑戦。
“自分自身でいること。それが自分自身を向上させるはじめの一歩” (神学者ジュリアス・チャールズ・ヘア)