リアリティ : 映画評論・批評

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May 2017: newly elected President Trump fires FBI director James Comey, seemingly to obstruct the ongoing investigation of collusion between the Russian government and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Watching the news report on television from the office of a contractor for the National Security Agency, an employee watches.
This is where Reality begins, a true story and contender in the 2023 Berlin International Film Festival. A month later FBI agents are waiting in the driveway of Reality Winner (Sydney Sweeney, Euphoria), a former senior airwoman for the US Air Force who mailed a classified document on Russian election interference to The Intercept, a nonprofit new organization. Agent Garrick (Josh Hamilton, Eighth Grade) pulls out a tape recorder and questions her in her front yard. The film reinvents the documentary-drama hybrid, with the actual tape recording serving as the entire film’s script. More agents arrive, and with a warrant, they search her home while they interrogate her. Segments of the actual recording are timely peppered throughout the staged dialogue, with the film doubling as a feature documentary and adapted screenplay.
Thanks to the film’s approach, we get insight into what a day’s work is like for an FBI investigator. It also demonstrates what it’s like to have your home raided by the FBI. Reality doesn’t know what the FBI agents know, and the FBI agents must work under the presumption of innocence, so as bystanders, the audience can enjoy the twists and turns of detective work. The film is a talky, real world-based court room drama set on a crime scene. It’s like Twelve Angry Men but civil liberties vs. espionage are on trial.
As a documentary, the film is appropriate to current events as the US returns to presidential election season. With Trump reported to lead polls even as he continues court appearances for a myriad of civil and criminal charges, Reality is the perfect preliminary dose of the shenanigans Trump will inspire in the US federal government during and after the election of a nation widely considering itself to be in constitutional crisis.