ジョン・バージャー : ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
ジョン・ピーター・バージャー(John Peter Berger, 1926年11月5日 - 2017年1月2日)は、イギリスの小説家、美術評論家である。ロンドン生まれ。
2017年1月2日、フランス・アントニーにて闘病生活の末に死去した 英作家のジョン・バージャー氏死去 時事ドットコム 2017年1月4日付。。
- 1972年:ブッカー賞
- 1972年:ジェイムズ・テイト・ブラック記念賞
- 1991年:ペトラルカ賞
- 2009年:金ペン賞
- 2011年:フローネフェルト基金賞
- A Painter of Our Time (1958)
- The Foot of Clive (1962)
- Corker's Freedom (1964)
- G. (1972)
- 栗原行雄訳『G.』新潮社、1975年
- Into Their Labours trilogy (1991): Pig Earth (1979), Once in Europa (1987), Lilac and Flag (1990)
- To the Wedding (1995)
- King: A Street Story (1999)
- From A to X (2008)
- A Question of Geography (with Nella Bielski) (1987)
- Les Trois Chaleurs (1985)
- Boris (1983)John Berger, "Boris", Granta 9, 1 September 1983.
- Goya's Last Portrait (with Nella Bielski) (1989)
- Jonah who will be 25 in the year 2000 (with Alain Tanner) (1976)
- La Salamandre (The Salamander) (with Alain Tanner) (1971)
- Le Milieu du monde (The Middle of the World) (with Alain Tanner) (1974)
- Play Me Something (with Timothy Neat) (1989)
- Une ville à Chandigarh (A City at Chandigarh) (1966)
- Pages of the Wound (1994)
- Le louche et autres poèmes (with Yves Berger) (2012)
- Collected Poems (2014)
- Collected Poems (Indian edition, 2015)
- Marcel Frishman (with George Besson) (1958)
- Permanent Red (1960) (Published in the United States in altered form in 1962 as Toward Reality: Essays in Seeing)
- The Success and Failure of Picasso (1965)
- 奥村三舟訳『ピカソ――その成功と失敗』雄渾社、1966年
- A Fortunate Man (with Jean Mohr) (1967)
- ジャン・モア写真、村松潔訳『果報者ササル――ある田舎医者の物語』みすず書房、2016年
- Art and Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny And the Role of the Artist in the U.S.S.R (1969)
- 奥村三舟訳『芸術と革命――エルンスト・ニェイズヴェースヌイとソ連における芸術家の役割』雄渾社、1970年
- The Moment of Cubism and Other Essays (1969)
- The Look of Things: Selected Essays and Articles (1972)
- Ways of Seeing (with Mike Dibb, Sven Blomberg, Chris Fox and Richard Hollis) (1972)
- 伊藤俊治訳『イメージ――視覚とメディア』Parco出版、1986年/〔文庫版〕筑摩書房、2013年
- 松村昌家、大井浩二編注『イメジのとらえ方』英宝社、1988年
- A Seventh Man (with Jean Mohr) (1975)
- ジャン・モア写真、金聖源訳『第七の男』黒鳥社、2024年
- About Looking (1980)
- 飯沢耕太郎監修、笠原美智子訳『見るということ』白水社、1993年/〔文庫版〕筑摩書房、2005年
- Another Way of Telling (with Jean Mohr) (1982)
- And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos (1984)
- The White Bird (U.S. title: The Sense of Sight) (1985)
- Keeping a Rendezvous (1992)
- The Sense of Sight (1993)
- Albrecht Dürer: Watercolours and Drawings (1994)
- Mitsuyo Nakamura訳『アルブレヒト・デューラー――水彩と素描』タッシェン・ジャパン、2005年
- Titian: Nymph and Shepherd (with Katya Berger) (1996)
- Photocopies (1996)
- Isabelle: A Story in Shorts (with Nella Bielski) (1998)
- At the Edge of the World (with Jean Mohr) (1999)
- Selected Essays (Geoff Dyer, ed.) (2001)
- The Shape of a Pocket (2001)
- I Send You This Cadmium Red: A Correspondence between John Berger and John Christie (with John Christie) (2001)
- My Beautiful (with Marc Trivier) (2004)
- Berger on Drawing (2005)
- Here is Where We Meet (2005)
- Hold Everything Dear: Dispatches on Survival and Resistance (2007; 2nd ed. 2016)
- The Red Tenda of Bologna (2007)
- War with No End (with Naomi Klein, Hanif Kureishi, Arundhati Roy, Ahdaf Soueif, Joe Sacco and Haifa Zangana) (2007)
- Meanwhile (2008)
- Why Look at Animals? (2009)
- From I to J (with Isabel Coixet) (2009)
- Lying Down to Sleep (with Katya Berger) (2010)
- Railtracks (with Anne Michaels) (2011)
- Bento's Sketchbook (2011)
- Cataract (with Selçuk Demirel) (2012)
- Understanding a Photograph (Geoff Dyer, ed.) (2013)John Berger, <i>Understanding a Photograph</i>, Aperture. ISBN 978-1-59711-256-7.
- Daumier: The Heroism of Modern Life (2013)
- Flying Skirts: An Elegy (with Yves Berger) (2014)
- Portraits: John Berger on Artists (Tom Overton, ed.) (2015)
- トム・オヴァートン編、藤村奈緒美訳『画家たちの「肖像」 ジョン・バージャーの美術史 古代―近代』草思社、2024年
- トム・オヴァートン編、藤村奈緒美訳『画家たちの「肖像」 ジョン・バージャーの美術史 近代―現代』白草思社、2024年
- Cuatro horizontes (Four Horizons) (with Sister Lucia Kuppens, Sister Telchilde Hinkley and John Christie) (2015)
- Lapwing & Fox (Conversations between John Berger and John Christie) (2016)
- Confabulations (Essays) (2016)
- Landscapes: John Berger on Art (Tom Overton, ed.) (2016)
- John by Jean: Fifty Years of Friendship (Jean Mohr, ed.) (2016)
- A Sparrow's Journey: John Berger Reads Andrey Platonov (CD: 44:34 & 81-page book with Robert Chandler and Gareth Evans), London: House Sparrow Press in association with the London Review Bookshop (2016)
- Bounds, Philip "Beyond Ways of Seeing: The Media Criticism of John Berger" in Philip Bounds and Mala Jagmohan (eds), Recharting Media Studies, Peter Lang 2008, ISBN 978-3-03911-015-5
- Dyer, Geoff Ways of Telling: The Work of John Berger, ISBN 0-7453-0097-9.
- Dyer, Geoff (Ed.) John Berger, Selected Essays, Bloomsbury. ISBN 0-375-71318-2.
- Fuller, Peter (1980) Seeing Berger. A Revaluation of ways of Seeing, Writers and Readers. ISBN 0-906495-48-2.
- Hertel, Ralf and David Malcolm (eds.), On John Berger: Telling Stories. Leiden: Brill, 2015. ISBN 9789004306127.
- Hochschild, Adam Finding the Trapdoor: Essays, Portraits, Travels (Syracuse University Press, 1997), "Broad Jumper in the Alps," pp. 50–64.
- Krautz, Jochen Vom Sinn des Sichtbaren. John Bergers Ästhetik und Ethik als Impuls für die Kunstpädagogik am Beispiel der Fotografie, Hamburg 2004 (Dr. Kovac) ISBN 3-8300-1287-X.
- Merrifield, Andy John Berger, London: Reaktion Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-86189-904-0
- Papastergiadis, Nikos Modernity as exile: The stranger in John Berger's writing (Manchester University Press, 1993) ISBN 0-7190-3876-6
- Chandan, Amarjit; Evans, Gareth; Gunaratnam, Yasmin (Eds.) The Long White Thread of Words: Poems for John Berger, Ripon: Smokestack Books, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9934547-4-5
- Chandan, Amarjit; Gunaratnam, Yasmin (Eds.) A Jar of Wild Flowers: Essays in Celebration of John Berger, London: Zed Books, 2016. ISBN 978-1-78360-879-9
- 'Introduction to John Berger on Picasso' Mike Gonzalez in International Socialism 40 (1988).
- Defending Picasso's late work by John Berger, International Socialism 40 (1988).
- Verso Books author page
- John Berger Archive at the British Library
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