ビューティフル・カップル 復讐の心理のレビュー・感想・評価
A couple enjoyed sexual intercourse on the beach. Later that night, a young man breaks into their room and rapes the wife. Several years later, the husband stumbles upon the rapist in the city. The husband, with a desire for revenge, approaches the rapist and takes bold action.
Once the desire for vengeance grows in a person's heart, it will not disappear for the rest of his life. Even if he deceives himself and pretends to be at peace, there is always a deep hatred lurking in the recesses of his mind. Words and theories are powerless against the rage.
This film was not a clean revenge story. The film depicts many failed acts of retaliation. A husband cannot be ruthless. Therefore, he cannot strike a fatal blow to the culprit. It is frustrating to watch. Through twists and turns, the couple ultimately destroyed their lives, which had been destroyed by others, once again by their own hands. In doing so, they found healing. The final scene is symbolic. It depicts destruction and rebirth in a very simple way. It was as if to say, "It would be faster to destroy it than to try to find a way to repair it. Since there was no later story, I was left with only a bad aftertaste and a feeling of emptiness after watching the film.