劇場公開日 2001年10月20日

「・トラウマ: ギリシャ語で傷を意味する言葉」ファニーゲーム Chuck Finleyさんの映画レビュー(感想・評価)

0.5・トラウマ: ギリシャ語で傷を意味する言葉





・トラウマ体験: 圧倒されるような状況で人間がさまざまな心理的影響を被ること。自分の対処能力を超えた出来事を体験したり見たりした時、それがトラウマ体験となる。



そんな胸糞「横綱」映画に対し、近年やはり内容を予期せぬまま胸糞「大関」級のミッドサマーを誤って観てしまい、その怒りと私的正義感?からレビューを書いてやっと本作を思い出す気になり、いやいやながら検索を駆使しそれが「Funny Games」であったと判りました。


胸糞横綱: ファニーゲーム
胸糞大関: サマータイム
巨匠胸糞: ブレインデッド
理解不能: キャンディ

Trauma: The Greek word for "wound".
A traumatic experience is when a person suffers a range of psychological effects in an overwhelming situation. A traumatic experience occurs when a person experiences or sees something that is beyond his or her ability to cope with.
-Medical definitions (Seitoku University Psychological and Educational Counseling Center website)-
(1) The existence of fear of death, serious injury or a crisis of physical integrity.
(2) To actually experience or see the above.
(3) To feel fear and helplessness as a result.

People often casually say "I had a traumatic experience", but after going through a real trauma, people become like the above. This film is the worst motion picture I have ever seen and I honestly regret having seen it.

Of course, it doesn't compare to the suffering of those who suffer from PTSD due to disasters, wars, crimes, etc. However, for me, watching this film, which I started to watch casually with no prior knowledge, mistaking it for something like a summer experience or a suspenseful film about a family escaping from a crisis (instead, they all are to be mechanically slaughtered without a hint of hope), was not only "seriously traumatic", but also made me think "there could be some really horrible films out there in cinema". After this, I didn't want to watch any movie that might have a chance of making me feel real bad and that spoiled my ability to watch films for quite some time.
For some reason I couldn't remember the title or the story for a long time after watching it, but just kept having a faint feeling of disgust as an experience ("Repression" as a defense mechanism of the ego).

In contrast to such a disgusting "Yokozuna" traumatic film, recently, I accidentally run into a disgusting "Ozeki" class traumatic film, [Midsommar], again, without knowing what it was about. It was only after I wrote a review for the Ozeki that I finally decided to remember the name of the Yokozuna film, and through a reluctant search, discovered that it was [Funny Games].

I don't find any meaning or emotion in this film. The filmmakers may have been trying to express the violence and cruelty that exists in the world by showing only the absurdity and misery of the situation, without adding any special significance or artistry to the content, emotion or humane images of the film, but even if they did, I think the way they did it was wicked, I even wanna say despicable. In short, it's so tasteless or full of bad taste that has no meaning. I'd think it's too much praise if the general evaluation was "mysterious", "creepy" or just "a horror film".

My redundant postscript
Just to put my mind at rest, here are my most hated or least favourite films that I've watched almost by mistake:
Most disgusting: Funny Games
Runner-up monster: Midsommar
Blood bath by Master director: Braindead
Simply incomprehensible: Candy
And here they are, all buried and sent back to my repression archives.
