ビジャイ・プラシャド : ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
ヴィジャイ・プラシャド(Vijay Prashad)は、インド出身の歴史学者、ジャーナリスト、評論家。トリニティ・カレッジの南アジア史教授。
- The karma of Brown folk, University of Minnesota Press, 2000.
- Untouchable freedom: a social history of Dalit community, Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Everybody was kung fu fighting: Afro-Asian connections and the myth of cultural purity, Beacon Press, 2001.
- War against the planet: the fifth Afghan war, imperialism, and other assorted fundamentalisms, LeftWord Books, 2002.
- Namaste Sharon: Hindutva and Sharonism under US hegemony, LeftWord Books, 2003.
- Fats cats & running dogs: the Enron stage of capitalism, Common Courage Press, 2003.
- Keeping up with the Dow Joneses: debt, prison, workfare, South End Press, 2003.
- The darker nations: a people's history of the third world, W. W. Norton, 2007.
- 『褐色の世界史――第三世界とはなにか』、粟飯原文子訳、水声社、2013年
- Arab spring, Libyan winter, AK Press Pub. & Distribution, 2012.
- Uncle Swami: South Asians in America today, New Press, 2012.
- The poorer nations: a possible history of the Global South, Verso, 2012.
- Enron blowout: corporate capitalism and theft of the global commons, Prabir Purkayastha and Vijay Prashad, Leftword, 2002.
- Dispatches from Latin America: on the frontlines against neoliberalism, edited by Teo Ballvé and Vijay Prashad, South End Press, 2006.
出典:フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 | 最終更新:2024/03/16 08:33 UTC (変更履歴)
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