伊川東吾 : ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
トーゴ・イガワ(旧表示:伊川東吾、1946年9月26日 - )は、イギリスを拠点に活動している俳優・演出家。
東京都渋谷区笹塚出身。馬場元治と八重の三男。東京教育大学附属駒場高等学校を経て、俳優座俳優養成所、桐朋学園芸術短期大学演劇専攻に学ぶ。1969年、演劇センター68/69(劇団黒テントの前身)に参加、日本全国 120 都市を回るテント公演に出演する。
1983年、イギリスに移住。1986年、ストラトフォード・アポン・エイヴォンにあるスワン・シアターの杮落としのシーズンで、日本人役者として初めてロイヤル・シェイクスピア・カンパニーの劇団員となる。2006年、ロンドンで 劇団 ichizaを結成(2017年解散)。
イギリスを中心に世界各地で活躍している。フランス映画 “Le Hérisson” ではフランス語、イスラエル映画 “A Matter of Size” ではヘブライ語を喋るなど、英語以外の言語での仕事も。声の仕事も多く、『きかんしゃトーマス』で、日本からソドー島にやってきた大型蒸気機関車・ヒロの声(英語版)を担当。2012年、『』で英国映画テレビアカデミー BAFTA Games Award Best Performer にノミネートされた。
- Kyoto - The Swan Theatre (2024) / Soho Place (2025)
- The Good Person of Szechwan - Crucible Theatre / Lyric Hammer Smith (2023)
- After Life - National Theatre (2021)
- The King of Hell's Palace - Hampstead Theatre (2019)
- The Cherry Orchard - Bristol Old Vic / Royal Exchange Theatre (2018)
- Her Voice - 若葉町 Wharf / Paris / Galway / Dublin Theatre Festival (2016-17)
- Who Do You Think You Are - Southwark Playhouse (2014)
- The Face of Jizo [director] - Arcola Theatre (2007)
- Pacific Overtures - Donmar Warehouse (2003)
- In the Jungle of the City (2002)
- M - the antient myth of Medea (2001)
- Ash Girl - Birmingham Repertory Theatre (2000)
- Ballad of Yachiyo - Gate Theatre (2000)
- Capital of the Kingdom of Gods - Gate Theatre (1998)
- Epitaph of the Whales - Gate Theatre (1998)
- Ghetto - Riverside Studios (1995)
- The Great Highway - Gate Theatre (1993-94)
- The Rover - RSC Swan Theatre (1986-88)
- The Fair Maid of the West - RSC Swan Theatre (1986-88)
- The Great White Hope - RSC Mermaid Theatre (1987)
- They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - RSC Mermaid Theatre (1987)
- One Fine Day - Edinburgh Fringe Festival (1986)
- イエスマン ノーマン - ドイツ文化センター (1980)
- 処置 - 黒テント作業場 (1979)
- 与太浜パラダイス - 黒テント (1979)
- ブランキ殺し上海の春 - 黒テント (1979)
- シネマと怪人 - 黒テント (1977)
- シネマと探偵 - 黒テント (1976)
- 阿部定の犬 - 黒テント (1975)
- 喜劇阿部定 - 黒テント (1973)
- さよならマックス - 黒テント (1973)
- シュールリアリズム宣言 - 黒テント (1973)
- 二月とキネマ - 黒テント (1972)
- チャンバラ - 黒テント (1972)
- 嗚呼鼠小僧次郎吉 - 黒テント (1971)
- 恋々加留多鼠小僧次郎吉 - 黒テント (1971)
- 翼を燃やす天使たちの舞踏 - 黒テント (1970)
- バーディーバーディー - 自由劇場 (1969)
- Ballerina (2024)
- Seeing Clearly (2023)
- Welcome to Paradise (2023)
- テトリス (2022)
- The Host (2020)
- The Gentlemen (2019)
- Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
- The Last Recipe (2017)
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
- The Confessions (2016)
- Breaking the Bank (2014)
- Every (2014)
- Hector the Searching for Happiness (2014)
- KANO 1931海の向こうの甲子園 (2014)
- Chameleon (2014)
- 47 Ronin (2013)
- Tasting Menu (2013)
- Gambit (2012)
- Johnny English Reborn (2011)
- Le Hérisson [The Hedgehog] (2009)
- A Matter of Size (2009)
- City of War: The Story of John Rabe (2009)
- Ninja (2009)
- Thomas and Friends: Hero of the Rails [voice] (2009)
- Night Train (2009)
- Speed Racer (2008)
- Back in Business (2007)
- Ober (2006)
- Irish Jam (2006)
- Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
- Revolver (2005)
- Gardner's Question Time (2005)
- Stratosphere Girl (2004)
- The Last Samurai (2003)
- Code 46 (2003)
- Noche de Reyes [Twelfth Night] (2001)
- The Parole Officer (2000)
- The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz (2000)
- Topsy-Turvy (1999
- Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
- The Tribe (1998)
- Felice...Felice... (1998)
- A Basket Full of Wallpaper (1998)
- Incognito (1997)
- National Achievement Day (1995)
- A Business Affair (1994)
- Power and Lovers (1994)
- Just Like A Woman (1992)
- The Misadventures of Mr Wilt (1989)
- Some Other Spring (1989)
- Half Moon Street (1985)
- The MOan Who Shot Christmas (1984)
- 限りなく透明に近いブルー (1979)
- Invasion [5 episodes] (2021)
- The Crown (2019)
- Giri/Haji [8 episodes] (2019)
- Origin (2018)
- Doctors - Sticky Butterfly (2017)
- Doctor Who - The Pyramid at the End of the World (2017)
- Marco Polo [2 episodes] (2016)
- Casualty - Asylum (2014)
- Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist [10 episodes] (2014)
- Strike Back [2 episodes] (2013)
- Coming Up - Food (2011)
- Lasko - The Fist of God [1 episode] (2010)
- That Mitchell and Webb Look [1 episode] (2010)
- The IT Crowd [2 episodes] (2006–2008)
- Wire in the Blood [1 episode] (2008)
- Heroes and Villains - Shogun (2008)
- The Day of the Kamikaze (2008)
- Primeval [2 episodes] (2008)
- Torchwood - Cyberwoman (2006)
- Broken News - Hijack (2005)
- If... - If... Drugs Were Legal (2005)
- Lexx - Lyekka vs. Japan (2002)
- Murphy's Law (2001)
- Thief Takers [2 episodes] (1997)
- Drop the Dead Donkey - The Godless Society (1996)
- Karaoke - Friday (1996)
- Bugs - Assassins Inc.(1995)
- Sonntag & Partner - Meer oder weniger (1995)
- Dirty Old Town (1995)
- Nice Day at the Office - Dressing to the Right (1994)
- Class Act [episode 1] (1994)
- 山田が街にやってきた (1993)
- A Diplomat in Japan (1992)
- Lovejoy - Members Only (1992)
- Moon and Son - Past, Present and Future (1992)
- Some Other Spring (1991)
- Chancer - Killing Floor (1990)
- The Ginger Tree [1 episode] (1989)
- Capital City - Japanese Fund (1989)
- Tailspin: Behind the Korean Airliner Tragedy (1989)
- Screen Two - Defrosting the Fridge (1989)
- Forever Green [1 episode] (1989)
- Small World - Throbbing and Waiting (1988)
- Never the Twain - The Wagers of Sin (1988)
- Cannon and Ball [1 episode] (1986)
- Gems [5 episodes] (1985–1986)
- Moley [12 episodes] (2021-2023)
- Thomas & Friends Storytime [4 episodes] (2020-2021)
- Thomas & Friends [16 episodes] (2010-2020)
- The Best of Thomas & Friends Clips (US) [33 episodes] (2011–2020)
- The Amazing World of Gumball [5 episodes] (2015–2019)
- Evil Monkeys [voice] (2018)
- Thomas & Friends: Global Friends! [2 episodes] (2018)
- Thunderbirds Are Go [1episode] (2017)
- Thomas & Friends: Clips (UK) [11 episodes] (2014–2017)
- Archer [1 episode] (2015)
- Sadie J [1 episode] (2013)
- Robotboy [16 episodes] (2005–2008)
- Imagine [1 episode] (2008)
- Mr. Bean: The Animated Series [2 episodes] (2002–2004)
- 欧州鉄道の旅(2001 - 2010)初回から第110回までの番組のエスコート
- Fukushima - BBC World Service (2023)
- Olympics Campaign - BBC Radio & Spotify Launch (2021)
- Front Row Daily - BBC Radio 4
- Narrow Road to the Disaster Zone - BBC Radio 4 (2012)
- The Meaning of the Mountains - BBC Radio 3 (2011)
- The Great Bell - BBC Radio 3 (2009)
- The Elegance of the Hedgehog - BBC Radio 4 (2009)
- Hell Screen - BBC Radio 4 (2007)
- Cherry Women, Cherry Men - BBC Radio 3 (2006)
- The Verb – Hwang Sok-yong - BBC Radio 3 (2006)
- A Pale View of Hills - BBC Radio 4 (2005)
- Different Planes - BBC Radio 4 (2003)
- The Priest - BBC Radio 4 (2000)
- Close to Silence - BBC Radio 4 (2000)
- Auntie Mame - BBC Radio 4 (2000)
- The Marie Stopes Story - BBC Radio 4 (2000)
- Silk - BBC Radio 4 (1999)
- Over the Horizon - BBC Radio 4 (1999)
- Frog Spring Jazz - BBC Radio 4 (1999)
- Letters from a Strange Land - BBC Radio 4 (1999)
- The Short Story “In A Grove” - BBC Radio 4 (1996)
- The Face in the Mirror - BBC Radio 3 (1994)
- Beyond Life and Death - BBC Radio 3 (1994)
- Making Waves - BBC Radio 3 (1994)
- Clash of Honour - LBC (1994)
- A Wondering Crow: The Story of Master Basho - BBC World Service (1993)
- The Face of the Horse - BBC Radio 3 (1993)
- The Battle of Fruits and Vegetables - BBC Radio 3 (1993)
- The Half-Said Thing - BBC Radio 3 (1993)
- New Tail in the East - BBC Radio 3 (1991)
- Celluloid Sunshine - BBC Radio 3 (1991)
- Japanese Ear: programme 1, 2 & 3 - BBC Radio 3 (1991)
- Street Hawkers / Meiji Fair - BBC Radio 3 (1991)
- Uguisu/Rain/Moon - BBC Radio 3 (1991)
- The Night of the New Moon - BBC Radio 4 (1988)
- Made in England - BBC Radio 4 (1988)
- This is the Age of the Train - BBC Radio 4 (1985)
- Hiroshima, The Movie - BBC Radio 4 (1985)
- The Spirit of Samurai (2024)
- Sunnyridge 3 (2024)
- Diablo IV (2023)
- Wolfstride (2021)
- Evil Genius 2: World Domination (2021)
- Demon's Souls (2020)
- Need for Speed: Payback (2017)
- The Secret World: Issue 10 - Nightmares in the Dream Palace (2014)
- Payday 2 (2013)
- Total War: Shogun 2 (2011) - Nominated BAFTA Games Award Best Performer
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010)
- Mini Ninjas (2009)
- Crysis Warhead (2008)
- Crysis (2007)
- Genji: Days of the Blade (2006)
- Medieval II: Total War (2006)
- Perfect Dark Zero (2005)
- Genji: Dawn of the Samurai (2005)
- Shogun: Total War (2000)
- Urban Chaos (1999)
出典:フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 | 最終更新:2025/01/23 08:26 UTC (変更履歴)
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