アメリカン・ストーリーズ 食事・家族・哲学のレビュー・感想・評価
Akerman always thinks about her mother.
At the initial half of this film, each of Jewish-origin polish immigrants told us their own stories what happened to them including their family members, when they moved to US. Those were mainly occured during the last war period, but this movie was made in 1988, therefore we understand all stories written by the director, Akerman, were played by professional Jewish players under the modern background in NY. Those might be very serious story for her, since some of them might be really happened to her mother.
At the second half of this movie, those actors joined in skits at the outside restaurants, it looks probably too long and tiring, but I found two particular things. They noticed ladies are favorite to talk about three topics, food, family and philosophy, as shown in the title of this movie, but those are also subjects of Akerman. It is not so difficult for us to understand what happed to her afterwards, when she would loose one of them.
Another thing is music scene; we enjoyed Yiddish songs, ‘Kaddish’, that has been used as one of titles of Bernstein’s symphonies. In particular, I have been fascinated by the most popular music, at least in France, created by Robert Schumann, called as ‘L’Oiseau prophète’ played by a cellist, Sonia Wieder-Atherton, who was an Akerman’s partner. We can listen her breathing.