「On the way, I imagined what would happen at the final part.」男女残酷物語 サソリ決戦 詠み人知らずさんの映画レビュー(感想・評価)
On the way, I imagined what would happen at the final part.
I supposed this movie has been made around 1975, but in 1969, therefore 6 years earlier than my expectation. It indeed contained modern pop factors such as interior decoration and living, and an amphibian motor car, which can be seen in James Bond’s movie. The story was also based on proper understanding of functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. The main character, Dr. Seyer, claimed unique ability of male, and revealed sadistic activities against one more main character, Mary, but she did not show any anxious or fear attitude to him, but rather tried to accept him. Her attitude implies that she knew something from the beginning, that is why I lost my attention to this film and can expect the ending without difficulty. I could not feel any true love between male mankind and female woman, probably because some function has been lacking in him.
The only one fantastic thing in this movie that I found is a great replica of ‘Hon’, a series of Nana, created by Niki de Saint Phalle. That reminds me the painting ‘L’Origine du monde’ by Gustave Courbet in Orsay museum in Paris and a monument with the same name by Anish KAPOOR in 21st century museum in Kanazawa. The latter was created under the influence of the former painting.