コラム:パリジェンヌの東京映画レポート! - 第1回



第1回:Bonjour à tous!

Hello everybody,

Directly arrived from France, I am Maud Guerlain, the new youngest member of eiga.com. I used to live in Paris, and discovered Japan as I was lucky enough to work in Tokyo last year. Like every single people coming here – except some narrow-minded or rice-allergic people, but there are not so many –, I naturally felt in love with Japan. I do not pretend knowing everything about Japan, but at least I don't believe, as many Western people, that there is a majority of sushi-eating otakus in the Japanese population (true story! but I will tell you more later about it...). Loving cinema as well, this column will be the opportunity for me to give you a French point of you (or at least mine!) about current movies on Japanese screens, and to make some funny comparisons, etc.

In France, we sometimes use a so-called “Chinese portrait” game to introduce ourselves. I have never known why it should be Chinese but why not trying a Japanese version? It is supposed to illustrate the personality of a person. Here is the concept : “Were I a (...), I would be a (...). Got it? Let's try!

at traditional movie theater "Ginza Cinepathos" in Tokyo 東京の老舗映画館、銀座シネパトスにて
at traditional movie theater "Ginza Cinepathos" in Tokyo 東京の老舗映画館、銀座シネパトスにて

Were I...
... an object, I would be a candle.
... an animal, I would be a squirrel (linked to the fact I am red-haired, I guess!)
... a song, I would be a U2's one.
... a noise, I would be the wind's breath in the mountain.
... a season, I would be autumn.
... a drink, I would be Umeshu.
... a movie, I would be... no, I won't answer to this one, you'll have so many opportunities to discover it! And not sure I could give only one answer...

A French newspaper called “The Parisian” has a funny motto, refering to Parisian's legendary bad temperament : “The Parisian, better have it as a newspaper!”. You're lucky, that is your case. Even environment-friendlier : a website...

First article is coming soon... I hope you will enjoy it!

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.

Maud Guerlain



私はエイガ・ドット・コムの最年少スタッフ、フランスからやって来たモード・ゲランです。たくさんの西洋人は「日本は寿司を食べるオタクが人口のほとんどを占める」と思っていますが、少なくとも私は違いますよ。(本当の話です! そんな西洋人の勘違いについては次回のコラムからご紹介します) このコラムではフランス人的観点で、最近の日本映画界や、フランス映画界との比較なんかをしていきたいと思っています。












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